The Peter Principle at Work

July 31, 2024

The almost sudden elevation of Cackling Kamala Harris to political prominence is frightening. The awful possibility of this empty-headed, empty-hearted, vacuous, pretender being elected president preys on my mind and keeps me awake at night. I have searched my heart and soul to reconcile myself to that possibility, but I cannot. I want to believe that a majority of Americans love this nation too much to allow Kamala Harris to become our next president and commander-in-chief of our armed forces. With all the big tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and others carrying water for Kamala and promoting lies about her opponent and her political positions and failures as VP, and most of the news channels doing the same, our job as conservatives to preserve this republic is monumental.

This election is not a game, a popularity contest. It is a fight for our very survival as a nation. Somehow, we have endured four years of incompetence of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, supported by a band of liars and charlatans that comprise the democrat side of the House and Senate. And Kamala Harris has played a key role in covering up Joe Biden’s frailties for the past four years. She claimed that Joe was not demented, but that he could run mental circles around her and most of the other democrats. If we accept her claims as fact, now that Joe’s advanced dementia has been confirmed, we know just how impaired Kamala is. She certainly does not have the intellect to serve as President.

I am reminded of a book I read in 1969, titled The Peter Principle, written by Lawrence J Peter and Raymond Hull. The principle explains that people in business, industry, and government rise to levels in which they are incompetent to perform. As the theory goes, people who perform well in any position are elevated and promoted until they are in positions for which they are unqualified. In this case, they are either demoted or never promoted again. This principle should apply to Kamala Harris. For the sake of equity, Biden picked Harris to be his Vice president. She has failed at every assignment and responsibility and should have no possibility for further promotion. In fact, there is ample evidence that Kamala has risen several levels above her competency. Her best performance was when she was flat on her back, with her heels over her head, under the tutelage of her benefactor, Willie Brown, the mayor of San Francisco. She should never have been promoted beyond bimbo.

Let’s think twice, America, before Kamala Harris is given another promotion for which she is not qualified.




4 responses to “The Peter Principle at Work”

  1. Travis says:

    Yes well said!

  2. Clark T. Volmar says:

    Our employees, having abused their power and supported corruption, have now put us in a position where we can no longer allow them to evade justice’s obligations. Accountability is paramount.
    “It must be borne in mind that there are but two classes of power known to the Constitution, and they are powers that are expressly granted and those that are necessary to carry the granted power into execution.” John C. Calhoun
    The most significant downturn in the United States economy has been our elected employees’ unprincipled manipulation of it. Their actions have led to a severe deficit and continued reckless spending, causing significant damage to us and our country.
    Tyranny and despotism have never lasted; the truth will always prevail.
    Liberty and equality are not obtainable without accountability.
    Our responsibility and goal is to choose individuals who will honorably administer our Constitution.
    Voting today is more critical than ever. It is imperative for Americans who believe in the country and not political rhetoric to step up and vote again to keep our country free.
    Due diligence is essential when selecting these people when we vote. Until virtuous individuals become candidates, we must choose those who will do the least damage, regardless of personal prejudices.
    Popular belief is not always the truth. We are the custodians of our country, and we must choose wisely for our own benefit.
    “Not to be driven this way and that, but always to behave with justice and see things as they are.” Marcus Aurelius

  3. Shirley says:

    We’ll said!!


    Absolutely spot on!

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