Short and Not So Sweet

I am filled with foreboding, fearing for my country. I say this because the polls show that voters may well elect the most unqualified radical ever to stand for office in our nation’s history. For f
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I have known for a long time that the American electorate is filled with idiots. That idea was confirmed for me this week by the embracement of Cackling Kamela Harris by the prospective voters. Many.
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A couple of evenings ago, I saw on the news that the New York City Council is renewing its campaign to demolish and deface more American historical monuments, including our founding fathers, George Wa
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Publish Authority, Atlanta, Georgia

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While January sixth political prisoners rot away in the Washington D.C. gulag, the piece of human dung by the name of Hunter Biden walks away with a slap on the hand for offenses that would put any ot
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The modern U.S. Navy does not resemble the one I served for twenty-two years, and which I loved and held in the highest
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