I have a message for my fellow conservatives and all Americans who love our nation and our freedoms: Let’s not kid ourselves.
Let’s not kid ourselves about the possibility (perhaps the probability) of Cackling Kamala Harris being elected to the presidency by a misinformed, illiterate, electorate, easily fooled by legerdemain and showmanship. I say that because the insipid, dishonest media in all their forms are devoid of patriotism and gratitude for the blessings and opportunities our form of government has given them. They wallow in their own self-aggrandizement, unaware of their own ignorance and dishonesty. Take for example, the most recent Time magazine cover, which features a fitting picture of Kamala Harris—I say fitting because the picture is as empty as Kamala’s head. Reportedly, she rebuffed an interview by Time because, like the picture, she too has nothing to say that is worth hearing and she would not be capable of saying it in a meaningful way if she did.
But, as I say to my fellow conservatives, let’s not kid ourselves. The fact that Kamala knows nothing and says nothing worth hearing does not matter. It is the glitter that counts, the glowing television and written reports of her imagined accomplishments that have buoyed her public image and made her a formidable opponent to Donald Trump. It doesn’t matter how much she has changed her unpopular and unamerican positions from the past. It doesn’t matter that her VP running mate is a damned liar and admitted socialist who hates our form of government. None of it matters.
We have only to look at the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008. Despite his attendance to the church of Reverend Jermiah Wright, who preached “God damn America) for twenty years and Obama’s communist associations, and the fact that his wife, Michelle, admitted she hated America, this pretender was elected president. And because of Mitt Romney’s inept campaign, Obama, whose loyalty to our nation I have always doubted, was re-elected. The media, especially TV, carried his water and promoted him in both campaigns just as they are doing for Kamala now.
The efforts of the media are working because the most unqualified and uninformed presidential candidate ever to face the electorate is riding high. Let’s hope we can bring her down, but we must not fool ourselves. We have one hell of a fight ahead of us and little time to win the battle.
The drumbeat of the fix is in is getting louder and louder, just heard on Todd Starnes that the World Heath Organization has just declared another plandemic, monkey pox, with a world wide recommendation to get ready for the lock downs.
Handful of news media has already made her a winner 🙁
I will wait for the election result.
I wonder about the future of the US if Kamela and her VP get elected. They seem to be on the socialist bandwagon. Tet’s put it in a prospective. The Soviet Union claimed to be land of CCCP. That translates to Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Those of us who lied in communist country learned early in the came that EQUALITY did not really practiced, though that is what they preached. In reality, the communists were well paid and lived in luxury.