Kamala Harris worked for only two months at McDonalds in California between her freshman and sophomore years at Howard University in Washington, D.C. She worked for extra spending money, not to pay any college expenses. She knows how to lie.
If you knew how to lie as well as she, you might end up stealing a nomination for president, hiring a communist as a running mate, and claiming that you are “middle-class” because you “worked at McDonalds to pay your way through college. Well, if you believe that little bit of fantasy—as they say in Brooklyn—I have a bridge I will sell you, cheap. Truth is, someone else, probably you, the taxpayer, paid for Kamala’s advanced education. If you try to find out anything about the source of funding for her college, you cannot. Apparently, like Barack Hussein Obama’s college records, it is a well-guarded secret. But there is one thing we know for certain: Kamala Harris did not work her way through college. She has never lived under circumstances like our poor and middle-class Americans. Her mother and father were well-paid college professors. And she knows how to lie about all of this.
If you knew how to lie, you might be a politician or a news reporter. I am sick of politicians, especially the democrats shading the truth, lying by omission, obfuscation, or just outright lying. The press, in all its forms, has learned the art of lying, once mastered only by people in politics. The headlines on the internet are touting Kamala’s “middle class” upbringing, not bothering to learn the truth or simply lying about the truth that her parents held prestigious positions at institutions of higher learning. They don’t bother to check the validity of her claims that she worked her way through college by making French fries at McDonalds. Kamala knows how to lie, and the press knows how to promote her lies.
It is disgraceful that Kamala Harris and her handlers have the hubris to make such claims, attempting to worm her way into the hearts of so many poor and middle-class voters who really did have to work at McDonalds or other fast-food restaurants to survive. It is a shameful ploy, which I trust will not stand scrutiny by the few remaining honest news reporters. But I won’t bet the farm on that proposition.
True enough. As a side note, lying is one of the primary traits of a malignant narcissist. Having worked at UGA campus cafe for my lunch and a few monthly dollars, I, indeed, resent Harris’ tall tale. Maybe worse is the constant media lying, as you clearly describe. Many in our society have no morality and, worse, no shame. I fear that fanning the flames of evil will cause America to reap a catastrophic whirlwind.