Biden’s Twenty-Eighth Amendment Fiasco

January 19, 2025

You must wonder which idiot in Biden’s staff told him he could just declare that the recent Equal Rights Amendment is, in fact, the Twenty-eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It just goes to show all of us that Biden will be a fool until his final day in office and for a long time afterwards. The amazing thing is that he listened and made a declaration to the world to that effect. He and his staff are unaware that presidents do not participate in the constitutional amendment process and have no responsibilities for proposing or approving such amendments. Amendments are proposed by constitutional convention or two-thirds majority in both houses of congress and ratified by three-fourths of the legislatures of the states, i.e., currently thirty-eight states. None of the twenty-seven amendments have been proposed by constitutional convention.

It is not my intent here to get too deep into the woods of the administrative process for enacting an amendment, a process that has evolved through the years. If you are interested in the process, you should read Article V of the Constitution, which is the authority for amendments. The national Archivist, whose authority is derived from U.S.C 105b, declared last week that Biden’s declaration has no effect and that there is no twenty-eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Archivist of the United State heads the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), The Archivist, not the president, has responsibility for administering the ratification process among the various states.

Last year, I published a blog, describing the Biden Whitehouse gang as Clown Fish. That description is appropriate because, to the detriment of our nation, hist gang of misfits has proven themselves to be clowns with Pagliacci (Canio) as the head clown. It is also apropos because clown fish can change their sex from male to female and vice versa at will. After all the damage they have done to our nation, it is fitting that Biden’s parting words prove he has learned nothing from his fifty years of living in the Washington swamp and sucking off the national teat.


Good riddance, I say.

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